Rules Of The Program:

  1. In order to qualify for eligibility credit and/or temporary cash benefits as described below, a Participant must first qualify for and be eligible to collect one of the following:
    1. State Disability benefits
    2. Workers Compensation benefits
  2. The Trustees require a Participant to show proof that payments are being made under State Disability or Workers Compensation Programs to qualify for the short term disability program
  3. The Participant shall receive seven (7) hours of eligibility credit benefit consistent with the Fund and I.B.E.W. Local 25 Pension Plan Rules for each day the Participant qualifies under this Program
  4. The Participant may also receive a temporary cash benefit to replace, in part, wages lost because of the disability. Any payment under this Program shall be the difference between the State Statutory Benefit for Workers Compensation or Disability (including weekly benefits payable under no-fault insurance) plus any other weekly disability benefit paid by any other group insurance plan and the Benefit approved by the Trustees. The maximum amount payable from the Plan, per day, shall be determined by the Trustees and shall limit the net benefit. The program will pay both the participant’s share and the employer matching share of the FICA/Medicare taxes as an additional benefit.
  5. A supplemental short term disability payment shall not be payable for any week that a Participant is collecting benefits from any of the following:
    1. I.B.E.W. International Office Pension Fund
    2. Federal Social Security
    3. I.B.E.W. Local No. 25 Pension Fund
    4. Supplemental benefits payable under any of the provisions of the Supplemental Unemployment Benefit Program
  6. If an overpayment in supplemental short term disability benefits occurs because of a retroactive payment of a disability benefit under any of the categories listed in paragraph four (4) above, such overpayment shall be refunded by the Participant to the Fund
  7. The first seven (7) days of loss due to the disability shall be a waiting period for which no eligibility credit and/or cash benefits are paid
  8. The maximum number of eligibility credits and/or supplemental short term disability weekly payments will be 52 in any 104 consecutive calendar weeks
  9. Commencing with the first day of the week that an eligible Participant receives the 52nd benefit, a waiting period of 104 consecutive weeks must then elapse before such Participant will be eligible to apply for supplemental short term disability benefits again
  10. A Participant who did not receive 52 consecutive weekly benefits but did receive 52 weekly benefits within 104 consecutive weeks shall have a waiting period of 104 weeks before eligibility begins again, reduced by the number of weeks that he did not receive the benefit during the 104 consecutive weekly period
  11. Successive periods of disability due to the same or related causes which are separated by return to employment may be considered as one period of disability if medical evidence shows that the Participant is not able to perform all the duties required by his job category