An active Plan Participant who becomes classified as NOT AVAILABLE FOR WORK by Local 25, I.B.E.W., WILL CONTINUE TO BE CONSIDERED NOT AVAILABLE FOR WORK by the Plan until the Plan Participant has returned to work in the jurisdiction of Local 25, I.B.E.W., and actually works a minimum of 650 clock hours for an employer contributing to the Fund. These hours must be worked during any six month coverage period.

If the active Plan Participant becomes NOT AVAILABLE FOR WORK as determined above, the active Plan Participant’s coverage shall continue until the end of the Coverage period in which the Plan Participant became NOT AVAILABLE FOR WORK on the same basis and to the same extent to which he/she would otherwise have been covered. The Plan Participant will then be offered Continuation of Health Coverage under the Federal Law (COBRA), see page 53.

If a Plan Participant retires, and is not yet eligible for Medicare, he/she is eligible for COBRA for a maximum of 18 months or until he/she becomes eligible for Medicare.