The method of calculation for your Account shall be based upon the following as defined herein: (a) Your Average Monthly Balance, (b) Investment Return, (c) Expenses; and if applicable, (d) Retention and (e) Special Administration Fees.

  1. Average Monthly Balance is calculated by the balance of your Account on the last day of each month of a calendar year, whose total is then divided by twelve, before adjustments are made for net investment return and expenses.
  2. Investment Return based on a proportionate share of earnings, less administration costs, are applied to your Account. If your Account has
    a zero balance on December 31, it will not be credited with earnings.
  3. Expenses are based on the ratio of contributions received for your Account to total contributions received; a proportionate share of administrative costs for the year will be deducted from your Account. Anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding, your Account will be charged with a $50 Administrative Charge each Plan Year. Retired Participant’s not utilizing ACH direct deposit for monthly distributions will be charged $20 for each Plan check issued.The final calculation using (a), (b) and (c) shall be the “net value” of your Account at the end of the calendar year.
  4. Lump sum distributions of $2,000 dollars or more may be subject to a 20% retention until the Plan is valued at year end.
  5. Special Administrative Fees:
    • Hardship Withdrawal Fee $50.00
    • New Loan Fee $50.00
    • Returned Check Fee $25.00
    • Loan Default Fee $50.00
    • Active Termination Withdrawal Fee $50.00
    • QDRO Withdrawal Fee $50.00
    • QDRO Review Fee $350.00