Letter to Participants

Dear Participant:

This booklet is intended to describe fully the various provisions of the Pension Plan.  This booklet has two sections:

Section 1.  Questions & Answers – this section provides the answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding your Plan.

Section 2.  Technical Details – this section is provided to you under the terms of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and contains many technical details of the Plan intended to assure that you will be able to enjoy all the rights to which you are entitled under the provisions of the Plan.

The Plan is governed by a Board of Trustees of which half represent the Union and half represent the Participating Employers.  Our role, as Trustees of the Pension Plan, includes responsibility for collecting and administering the contributions to the Pension Plan which are required by an agreement between your Employer and Local 25 or between your Employer and the Trustees.  In addition, the Board of Trustees has the sole power to amend the Plan, as provided in the Agreement and Declaration of Trust.

The Board of Trustees is assisted in these tasks by professional advisors whom we hire from time to time.  These include an actuary, an accountant, an attorney and one or more investment managers.

The daily operation of the Plan is administered by the Fund Manager, John W. Gilday.  Mr. Gilday is available to answer any questions or as a resource to obtain additional information.

We encourage you to familiarize yourself with this booklet and the benefits that are available to you and your family.  If, after having gone through this booklet thoroughly, you have any questions regarding the Plan and its operation, please do not hesitate to contact the Fund Office.

Board of Trustees
I.B.E.W. Local 25 Pension Fund