Plan Financing

6. Who pays for the Plan?

The employers who have Collective Bargaining Agreements with Local 25 that call for contributions to this Plan.  In addition, there are certain other pension plans in other geographical areas with which this Pension Plan has reciprocal agreements.  Under the terms of these reciprocal agreements, some contributions are required to be made to this Pension Plan by other pension plans.  Employees do not contribute to the Plan.

7. How are Plan assets managed?

All of the Plan assets are held in trust by the Board of Trustees for the Participants and beneficiaries of the Plan.

The Board of Trustees has the ultimate responsibility for the management of the Plan.  However, the Board is allowed, under law, to hire professional investment managers to provide expert assistance in this very complex field of managing Pension Plan assets.

8. If the Plan is discontinued, what will happen to the assets of the Plan?

The terms of Federal law, the assets of the Plan are to be used for the benefit of the Participants, surviving spouses, and beneficiaries, in an order of priority that is set forth under Federal law.  If all of the Plan benefits are provided by the assets of the Plan and there is still money left over, the money is to be used to increase the benefits of everyone.  Under no circumstances may money that has been properly contributed to the Plan ever be returned to any Employer or the Local Union.