In order to maintain eligibility for “A” Plan benefits, Plan Participants working under a “B” Plan Collective Bargaining Agreement will be responsible for immediate payment of the difference
between the “B” Plan contribution rate and 700 clock hours times the Journeyman’s average Fund contribution rate as set forth in the Inside Construction Collective Bargaining Agreement.

In the event the Local 25 I.B.E.W. certifies to the Board of Trustees that 90% of the Available for Work Participants in the Residential Unit are working, then in order to maintain eligibility for “A” Plan benefits, Plan Participants working under a “B” Plan Collective Bargaining Agreement will be responsible for immediate payment of the difference between the “B” Plan contribution rate and 700 clock hours time 50% of the Journeyman’s average Fund contribution rate as set forth in the Inside Construction Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Further, Officers, Directors, or Stockholders of a corporation or partners and sole proprietors who are participating in either of these Plans must contribute to either Plan on the basis of at least 1,000 hours of contributory employment per coverage period.

If you are on the referral list of I.B.E.W. Local 25 for two consecutive benefit coverage periods, i.e., a six-month period commencing the first Saturday after the last Friday of December and June of each year, and have not worked any clock hours in covered employment during such time, your coverage by the Fund shall terminate. During periods of severe unemployment, the Trustees may extend the non-work consecutive benefit coverage periods as necessary.